Fearing Burr wrote in his 1865 book, "Field and Garden Vegetables of America", "From the time of the introduction of the tomato to its general use in this country, the 'Large Red' was almost the only kind cultivated, or even commonly known." Here is a link about him and his book:
From Tatiana’s TOMATObase:
An heirloom variety that traces back to 1830 in U.S. and England, grown and offered by Shakers of Hancock, Massachusetts, it is one of the oldest and historically important heirlooms, most commonly grown in the USA prior to the Civil War. It was listed in the 1843 Shaker seed catalog. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), PI 647511. Donated to the USDA in 1971. First offered in the Seed Savers 1990 Yearbook by Dorothy Beiswenger, Crookston, Minnesota (MN BE D).